First, some good news. The congregation of Brunswick Baptist Church has decided to gift their 1880 Gray & Davison organ to the Anglican Parish of Jika Jika to be placed in All Saints, Preston. This has been brought about by a decision to renovate the building at Brunswick Baptist Church to allow the congregation's style of worship to continue evolving. The time has now come for a deed of gift to be signed and some public event to mark the handing over of the instrument, which will be taking place at Brunswick Baptist Church this Sunday, 14 November, at 10.00am.
The fortunes of the organ at All Saints will be detailed in another post. Here it is enough to say that the arrival of a new organ will be an important and welcome addition to the fabric at All Saints.
The service is a joint event between the Anglican Parish of Jika Jika and Brunswick Baptist Church. The parish youth choir is to sing for the service. Readings and music will be as follows:
Reading 2: Psalm 122
Reading 3: John 4.19-24
Organ prelude: Interludium f# (Op. 36, II B) -- Sigfrid Karg-Elert
Choral introit: The Call -- Ralph Vaughan Williams
Hymn: All people that on earth do dwell
Hymn: All things are thine, no gifts have we
Anthem: Jesu, joy of man's desiring
Hymn: O praise ye the Lord
Organ postlude: Piece d'Orgue [BWV 572] -- J.S. Bach
Things will be carrying on in the other two centres of the parish as normal, although parishioners have been encouraged to attend the service in Brunswick. Those who stay 'at home' will be treated to the following.
Readings are linked here. The psalm will be said. The setting will be Philip Mathias's Christ Church Mass (Together in Song, 757). Hymns are as follows:
Introit: Christ whose glory fills the skies [212]
Sequence: Christ is our cornerstone [433]
Offertory: Lord Christ, at your first eucharist [512]
Communion: An upper room did our Lord prepare [536]
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