19 December 2010

Getting some limelight

I've been in two of the local newspapers in the last week.  It seems that someone sent the local Leader a tip about the gifting of the organ from Brunswick Baptist Church.

The story can be seen -- with a short video of yours truly clogging it through a bit of The Arrival of the Queen of Sheba -- here.

Two small quibbles.

The sound quality on the video isn't the best, but it gives you a sense of what's there.

As with all local newspaper pieces, there is a little bit of garbling on various details.  Those who know will see what's not quite right.  One could communicate with all the precision of cut glass, but journalists have to be economic with words.  Sometimes the twisted tendrils of the history of an instrument can threaten to crowd out the story they want to tell.

I'm just delighted the story made it to print in the week the reporter said it would appear.

The story ran in both the Preston and Moreland Leaders.  If I have the chance, I'll try to scan the paper versions some time soon.

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