17 October 2010


I've been spending some time thinking about the parable of the talents over the last few days.  None of my young choristers have had the opportunity to talk about why we do what we do, and I think it's reaching the point where this would be useful.

Of course, some might say this is a complicated bit of writ to bring before young minds (incidentally, I'll be using the NRSV.  The KJV is linked here for a bit of whimsy).  I'm taking the parable as a springboard for asking the choristers to think in a bigger way: we can all be given money, and we can all spend it wisely or badly.  Music is similar -- the aptitude is given to everyone, but many people simply bury it.  If our voices have been given to us for worship, then we should make the highest possible use of them.

Hopefully the discussion will broaden out to questions of how we behave in church, allowing the opportunity to talk about overcoming restlessness.

There will be some space for talking about how we pray in our tradition.  Just lately, the parish sacristan has been hitting the roof when she finds a pile of half-burnt candles in the votive box.  Some of the kids think it's like having a birthday cake, so they light the show up and have a hearty blow.  Rather than forbid the lighting of candles, I'm going to aim for teaching the good use of these things.

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